FastRandom Class

Represents a pseudo random number generator, which is functionally compatible with the Random class but is significantly faster than that, especially when used with a specific seed. For cryptographically secure random numbers use the SecureRandom class instead.


Namespace: KGySoft.CoreLibraries
Assembly: KGySoft.CoreLibraries (in KGySoft.CoreLibraries.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public sealed class FastRandom : Random
Object    Random    FastRandom


FastRandom Initializes a new instance of the FastRandom class using a random seed value.
FastRandom(Guid) Initializes a new instance of the ThreadSafeRandom class using the specified seed value.
FastRandom(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the ThreadSafeRandom class using the specified seed value.
FastRandom(UInt128) Initializes a new instance of the ThreadSafeRandom class using the specified seed value.
FastRandom(UInt64, UInt64) Initializes a new instance of the ThreadSafeRandom class using the specified seed values.


Next Returns a non-negative random 32-bit integer that is less than Int32.MaxValue.
(Overrides RandomNext)
Next(Int32) Returns a non-negative random 32-bit integer that is less than the specified maximum.
(Overrides RandomNext(Int32))
Next(Int32, Int32) Returns a random 32-bit integer that is within a specified range.
(Overrides RandomNext(Int32, Int32))
NextBytes(Byte) Fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers.
(Overrides RandomNextBytes(Byte))
NextBytes(SpanByte) Fills the elements of the specified buffer with random numbers.
(Overrides RandomNextBytes(SpanByte))
NextDouble Returns a random floating-point number that is greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
(Overrides RandomNextDouble)
NextInt32 Returns a non-negative random 32-bit integer that is less than Int32.MaxValue.
NextInt64 Returns a non-negative random 64-bit integer that is less than Int64.MaxValue.
(Overrides RandomNextInt64)
NextInt64(Int64) Returns a non-negative random 64-bit integer that is less than the specified maximum.
(Overrides RandomNextInt64(Int64))
NextInt64(Int64, Int64) Returns a random 64-bit integer that is within a specified range.
(Overrides RandomNextInt64(Int64, Int64))
NextSingle Returns a random floating-point number that is greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
(Overrides RandomNextSingle)
NextUInt32 Returns a random 32-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt32.MaxValue.
NextUInt64 Returns a random 64-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt64.MaxValue.
SampleInt32 Returns a random Int32 can have any value.
SampleInt64 Returns a random Int64 can have any value.

Extension Methods

Convert Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the generic ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
ConvertTTarget Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
In Gets whether item is among the elements of set.
See the Examples section of the generic InT(T, T) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
NextBigInteger Returns a non-negative random BigInteger that is within the specified maximum. To generate a random n-byte integer use the SampleBigInteger method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextBigInteger Returns a random BigInteger value that is within a specified range. To generate a random n-byte integer use the SampleBigInteger method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextBoolean Returns a random Boolean value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextByte Returns a random 8-bit unsigned integer that is less than Byte.MaxValue. To return any Byte use the SampleByte method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextByte Returns a random 8-bit unsigned integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextByte Returns a random 8-bit unsigned integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextBytes Returns an Array of random bytes that has the specified length.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChar Returns a random Char value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Fills the elements of a buffer of character array with random characters using the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Fills the elements of a buffer of character array with random characters using the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Fills the elements of a buffer of character array with random characters using the specified strategy.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Returns an Array of random characters that has the specified length.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Returns an Array of random characters that has the specified length.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Returns an Array of random characters that has the specified length.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Returns an Array of random characters using the specified strategy that has the specified length.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Fills the elements of a buffer with random characters using the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextChars Fills the elements of a buffer with random characters using the specified strategy.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDate Returns a random DateTime that is between the specified range and has only date component.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDateOnly Returns a random DateOnly that is between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDateTime Returns a random DateTime that is between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDateTimeOffset Returns a random DateTimeOffset that is between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDecimal Returns a random Decimal value that is greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDecimal Returns a non-negative random Decimal value that is less than or equal to the specified maxValue.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDecimal Returns a random Decimal value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDouble Returns a non-negative random Double value that is less than or equal to the specified maxValue.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextDouble Returns a random Double value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextEnumTEnum Returns a random TEnum value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextGuid Returns a random RFC 4122 compliant Guid value generated by using the specified Random instance.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextHalf Returns a random Half value that is greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextHalf Returns a non-negative random Half value that is less than or equal to the specified maxValue.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextHalf Returns a random Half value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt128 Returns a non-negative random 128-bit signed integer that is less than Int128.MaxValue. To return any Int128 use the SampleInt128 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt128 Returns a non-negative random 128-bit signed integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt128 Returns a random Int128 value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt16 Returns a non-negative random 16-bit signed integer that is less than Int16.MaxValue. To return any Int16 use the SampleInt16 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt16 Returns a non-negative random 16-bit signed integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt16 Returns a random 16-bit signed integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt32 Returns a non-negative random 32-bit signed integer that is less than Int32.MaxValue. To return any Int32 use the SampleInt32 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt32 Returns a non-negative random 32-bit signed integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt32 Returns a random 32-bit signed integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt64 Returns a non-negative random 64-bit signed integer that is less than Int64.MaxValue. To return any Int64 use the SampleInt64 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt64 Returns a non-negative random 64-bit signed integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextInt64 Returns a random Int64 value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextObject Returns a random object of the specified type or if type cannot be instantiated with the provided settings.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextObjectT Returns a random object of type T or the default value of T if T cannot be instantiated with the provided settings.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextRune Returns a random Rune (Unicode character).
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextRune Returns a random Rune (Unicode character) that is within the specified category.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextRune Returns a random Rune (Unicode character) that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSByte Returns a non-negative random 8-bit signed integer that is less than SByte.MaxValue. To return any SByte use the SampleSByte method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSByte Returns a non-negative random 8-bit signed integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSByte Returns a random 8-bit signed integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSingle Returns a random Single value that is greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSingle Returns a non-negative random Single value that is less than or equal to the specified maxValue.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextSingle Returns a random Single value that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String using the specified strategy that has the length between 4 and 10 inclusive.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String of the specified length using the specified strategy that has the length between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String that has the length between the specified range and consists of the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String that has the length between the specified range and consists of the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String that has the length between the specified range and consists of the specified allowedCharacters.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextString Returns a random String using the specified strategy that has the length between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextTimeOnly Returns a random TimeOnly that is between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextTimeSpan Returns a random TimeSpan that is between the specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt128 Returns a random 128-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt128.MaxValue. To return any UInt128 use the SampleUInt128 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt128 Returns a random 128-bit unsigned integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt128 Returns a random 128-bit unsigned integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt16 Returns a random 16-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt16.MaxValue. To return any UInt16 use the SampleUInt16 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt16 Returns a random 16-bit unsigned integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt16 Returns a random 16-bit unsigned integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt32 Returns a random 32-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt32.MaxValue. To return any UInt32 use the SampleUInt32 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt32 Returns a random 32-bit unsigned integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt32 Returns a random 32-bit unsigned integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt64 Returns a random 64-bit unsigned integer that is less than UInt64.MaxValue. To return any UInt64 use the SampleUInt64 method instead.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt64 Returns a random 64-bit unsigned integer that is within the specified maximum.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
NextUInt64 Returns a random 64-bit unsigned integer that is within a specified range.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleBigInteger Returns a random BigInteger that represents an integer of byteSize bytes.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleByte Returns a random Byte that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleInt128 Returns a random Int128 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleInt16 Returns a random Int16 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleInt32 Returns a random Int32 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleInt64 Returns a random Int64 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleSByte Returns a random SByte that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleUInt128 Returns a random UInt128 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleUInt16 Returns a random UInt16 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleUInt32 Returns a random UInt32 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
SampleUInt64 Returns a random UInt64 that can have any value.
(Defined by RandomExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)

See Also