EditableObjectBase Class
Represents an object with editing capabilities by adding
ICanEdit implementation to the
PersistableObjectBase class.
Starting an edit session saves a snapshot of the stored properties, which can be either applied or reverted.
Saving and restoring properties works for properties set through the
IPersistableObject implementation and the
ObservableObjectBase.Set method.
Namespace: KGySoft.ComponentModelAssembly: KGySoft.CoreLibraries (in KGySoft.CoreLibraries.dll) Version: 9.0.0-preview.1
public abstract class EditableObjectBase : PersistableObjectBase,
ICanEdit, IEditableObject
Public MustInherit Class EditableObjectBase
Inherits PersistableObjectBase
Implements ICanEdit, IEditableObject
public ref class EditableObjectBase abstract : public PersistableObjectBase,
ICanEdit, IEditableObject
type EditableObjectBase =
inherit PersistableObjectBase
interface ICanEdit
interface IEditableObject
- Inheritance
- Object ObservableObjectBase PersistableObjectBase EditableObjectBase
- Implements
- ICanEdit, IEditableObject
An object derived from EditableObjectBase is able to save a snapshot of its properties (the ones, which are set through the IPersistableObject implementation
or the ObservableObjectBase.Set method).
A new snapshot can be saved by the BeginNewEdit method. This can be called by a UI before starting the editing.
Call the CommitLastEdit method to apply the changes since the last BeginNewEdit call.
Call the RevertLastEdit method to discard the changes since the last BeginNewEdit call.
The editing sessions can be nested by calling BeginNewEdit method multiple times. The number of the BeginNewEdit calls without
a corresponding CommitLastEdit or RevertLastEdit call is indicated by the EditLevel property.
By calling the TryCommitAllEdits and TryRevertAllEdits methods all of the previous BeginNewEdit
calls can be applied or discarded, respectively. These methods return a bool value indicating whether any action occurred.
When it is needed to be determined whether a type has editing capabilities use the
ICanEdit interface instead the
EditableObjectBase type
because other editable types, such as the
ModelBase class are not necessarily derived from the
EditableObjectBase class.
See also the class diagram of the business object base classes of the
KGySoft.CoreLibraries assembly:
Differences from UndoableObjectBase:
Both UndoableObjectBase and EditableObjectBase can revert changes; however, the aspects of these classes are different.
- An undoable class (which implements ICanUndo or ICanUndoRedo interfaces such as UndoableObjectBase) is able to undo (or redo) any changes made so far either step-by-step or in a single step.
- On the other hand, an editable class (which implements ICanEdit such as EditableObjectBase) is able to start editing sessions by saving a snapshot of its current state, which states are committable and revertible.
- Undo and editing features are independent from each other and a class is allowed to implement both (like the ModelBase class).
IEditableObject support:
EditableObjectBase implements also the System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject interface, which is the standard way in .NET to support editing.
Several controls of different UI frameworks automatically call its members if an object, which implements it, is bound to a grid control, for example. However, some frameworks (such as Windows Forms) do not always
call the begin/end operations the same times, which can cause problems. To handle this, you can override the EditableObjectBehavior property in your class to adjust the editing behavior via the IEditableObject interface.
If not overridden, the EditableObjectBehavior returns DisableNesting, which works in most cases.
This is how the IEditableObject members are mapped in the EditableObjectBase class:
For an example see the
Remarks section of the
ObservableObjectBase class.
The same applies also for the
EditableObjectBase class in terms of implementation.
AffectsModifiedState |
Gets whether the change of the specified propertyName affects the IsModified property.
The EditableObjectBase implementation excludes the IsModified and EditLevel properties.
(Overrides ObservableObjectBaseAffectsModifiedState(String)) |
BeginNewEdit |
Begins a new level of committable/revertible editing session on the object.
CanGetProperty |
Gets whether the specified property can be retrieved.
The base implementation allows to get the actual instance properties in this instance.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
CanSetProperty |
Gets whether the specified property can be set.
The base implementation allows to set the actual instance properties in this instance if the specified value is compatible with the property type.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
Clone |
Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
The base implementation clones the internal property storage, the IsModified property and if clonePropertyChanged
is , then also the subscribers of the PropertyChanged event. It respects the
implementations with some special handling for arrays so arrays can be deep-cloned as well.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
CommitLastEdit |
Commits all changes since the last BeginNewEdit call.
Dispose |
Releases the resources held by this instance.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Releases the resources held by this instance.
The base implementation removes the subscribers of the PropertyChanged event and clears the property storage.
If the overridden method disposes properties accessed by the Get<T> and Set methods,
then check the IsDisposed property first and call the base method as the last step to prevent ObjectDisposedException.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
GetT(FuncT, String) |
Gets the value of a property, or - if it was not set before -, then creates its initial value.
The created initial value will be stored in the internal property storage without triggering the PropertyChanged event.
For constant or simple expressions, or to return a default value for a non-existing property without storing it internally use the other Get overload.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
GetT(T, String) |
Gets the value of a property or defaultValue if no value is stored for it. No new value will be stored
if the property does not exist. If the default initial value is too complex and should not be evaluated every time when the property is get,
or to throw an exception for an uninitialized property use the other Get overload.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
OnPropertyChanged |
Raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
ResetProperty |
Resets the property of the specified name, meaning, it will be removed from the underlying storage so the getter methods will return the default value again.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
ResumeChangedEvent |
Resumes the raising of the PropertyChanged event suspended by the SuspendChangeEvents method.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
RevertLastEdit |
Discards all changes since the last BeginNewEdit call.
Set |
Sets the value of a property.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
SetModified |
Sets the modified state of this ObservableObjectBase instance represented by the IsModified property.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
SuspendChangedEvent |
Suspends the raising of the PropertyChanged event until ResumeChangeEvents
method is called. Supports nested calls.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase) |
TryCommitAllEdits |
Commits all changes of all editing levels.
TryRevertAllEdits |
Reverts all changes of all editing levels.