UndoableObjectBase Class

Represents an object with step-by-step undo/redo capabilities by adding ICanUndoRedo implementation to the PersistableObjectBase class. Undoing and redoing works for properties set through the IPersistableObject implementation and the ObservableObjectBase.Set method.


Namespace: KGySoft.ComponentModel
Assembly: KGySoft.CoreLibraries (in KGySoft.CoreLibraries.dll) Version: 9.0.0-preview.1
public abstract class UndoableObjectBase : PersistableObjectBase, 
	ICanUndoRedo, ICanUndo, IRevertibleChangeTracking, IChangeTracking
Object    ObservableObjectBase    PersistableObjectBase    UndoableObjectBase
ICanUndo, ICanUndoRedo, IChangeTracking, IRevertibleChangeTracking


An object derived from UndoableObjectBase continuously tracks the property changes of properties, which are set through the IPersistableObject implementation and the ObservableObjectBase.Set method.


When it is needed to be determined whether a type has undo/redo capability use the ICanUndo or ICanUndoRedo interfaces instead the UndoableObjectBase type because other undoable types, such as the ModelBase class are not necessarily derived from the UndoableObjectBase class. See also the class diagram of the business object base classes of the KGySoft.CoreLibraries assembly:
Class diagram of business object base classes

Differences from EditableObjectBase:
Both UndoableObjectBase and EditableObjectBase can revert changes; however, the aspects of these classes are different.

  • An undoable class (which implements ICanUndo or ICanUndoRedo interfaces such as UndoableObjectBase) is able to undo (or redo) any changes made so far either step-by-step or in a single step.
  • On the other hand, an editable class (which implements ICanEdit such as EditableObjectBase) is able to start editing sessions by saving a snapshot of its current state, which states are committable and revertible.
  • Undo and editing features are independent from each other and a class is allowed to implement both (like the ModelBase class).

IRevertibleChangeTracking support:
UndoableObjectBase implements also the System.ComponentModel.IRevertibleChangeTracking interface, which is the standard way in .NET to support undoing.
This is how the IRevertibleChangeTracking members are mapped in the UndoableObjectBase class:

IsModified vs. CanUndo:

  • The IsModified property reflects the object's "dirty" state, meaning, it has been changed since the initialization or last save. The modified state can be cleared by the SetModified method. Clearing the modified state (eg. on saving the object) does not affect the undo capabilities, though.
  • The CanUndo property tells whether there are any steps to undo. On saving an object the modified state can be cleared and still there can be undoable steps. And vice versa, undoing all steps will not clear the modified state.

  Notes to Implementers

For an example see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class. The same applies also for the UndoableObjectBase class in terms of implementation.


UndoableObjectBaseInitializes a new instance of the UndoableObjectBase class


AllowReadingDisposedObject Gets whether the Get<T> method (and the observable properties using it) throw an ObjectDisposedException when the IsDisposed property returns . In a derived class this property can be overridden to return , in which case the Get<T> method returns the default value of T after the object is disposed.
The base implementation returns .
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
CanRedo Gets whether there are changes to redo.
CanUndo Gets whether there are changes to undo.
IsDisposed Gets whether this instance has already been disposed.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
IsModified Gets whether this instance has been modified. Modified state can be set by the SetModified method.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
UndoCapacity Gets or sets the undo capacity.
Default value: 20.


AffectsModifiedState Gets whether the change of the specified propertyName affects the IsModified property.
The UndoableObjectBase implementation excludes the IsModified, UndoCapacity, CanUndo and CanRedo properties.
(Overrides ObservableObjectBaseAffectsModifiedState(String))
CanGetProperty Gets whether the specified property can be retrieved.
The base implementation allows to get the actual instance properties in this instance.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
CanSetProperty Gets whether the specified property can be set.
The base implementation allows to set the actual instance properties in this instance if the specified value is compatible with the property type.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
ClearUndoHistory Clears the undo/redo history without performing any undo.
Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
The base implementation clones the internal property storage, the IsModified property and if clonePropertyChanged is , then also the subscribers of the PropertyChanged event. It respects the implementations with some special handling for arrays so arrays can be deep-cloned as well.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
Dispose Releases the resources held by this instance.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the resources held by this instance.
The base implementation removes the subscribers of the PropertyChanged event and clears the property storage. If the overridden method disposes properties accessed by the Get<T> and Set methods, then check the IsDisposed property first and call the base method as the last step to prevent ObjectDisposedException.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
GetT(FuncT, String) Gets the value of a property, or - if it was not set before -, then creates its initial value. The created initial value will be stored in the internal property storage without triggering the PropertyChanged event. For constant or simple expressions, or to return a default value for a non-existing property without storing it internally use the other Get overload.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
GetT(T, String) Gets the value of a property or defaultValue if no value is stored for it. No new value will be stored if the property does not exist. If the default initial value is too complex and should not be evaluated every time when the property is get, or to throw an exception for an uninitialized property use the other Get overload.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
OnPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event.
(Overrides ObservableObjectBaseOnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedExtendedEventArgs))
RedoAll Redoes all possible redo steps.
ResetProperty Resets the property of the specified name, meaning, it will be removed from the underlying storage so the getter methods will return the default value again.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
ResumeChangedEvent Resumes the raising of the PropertyChanged event suspended by the SuspendChangeEvents method.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
Set Sets the value of a property.
For an example, see the Remarks section of the ObservableObjectBase class.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
SetModified Sets the modified state of this ObservableObjectBase instance represented by the IsModified property.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
SuspendChangedEvent Suspends the raising of the PropertyChanged event until ResumeChangeEvents method is called. Supports nested calls.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)
TryRedo Tries to perform one redo step.
TryUndo Tries to perform one undo step.
UndoAll Undoes all possible undo steps.


PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changed. The actual type of the event argument is PropertyChangedExtendedEventArgs.
(Inherited from ObservableObjectBase)

Extension Methods

Convert Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the generic ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
ConvertTTarget Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
In Gets whether item is among the elements of set.
See the Examples section of the generic InT(T, T) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)

See Also