Files Class

Contains file-related methods.


Namespace: KGySoft.CoreLibraries
Assembly: KGySoft.CoreLibraries (in KGySoft.CoreLibraries.dll) Version: 8.1.0
public static class Files
Object    Files


CanCreate Checks whether a file can be created with given name.
CreateWithPath Creates or overwrites a file of the specified path along with possibly non-existing parent directories.
GetExecutingPath Gets the real full path of the directory, where the executing application resides.
GetNextFileName Returns path if a file with specified name does not exist yet. Otherwise, returns the first non-existing file name with a number postfix.
GetRelativePath(String, String) Gets the relative path to target from the baseDirectory. This overload performs a case insensitive comparison.
GetRelativePath(String, String, Boolean) Gets the relative path to target from the baseDirectory.
IsWildcardMatch Returns whether a wildcarded pattern matches a file name.
TryCreateWithPath Tries to create a file of the specified path along with possibly non-existing parent directories.

See Also