DynamicResourceManager Class

Represents a resource manager that provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time. As it is derived from HybridResourceManager, it can handle both compiled resources from .dll and .exe files, and XML resources from .resx files at the same time. Based on the selected strategies when a resource is not found in a language it can automatically add the missing resource from a base culture or even create completely new resource sets and save them into .resx files. For text entries the untranslated elements will be marked so they can be found easily for translation.


Namespace: KGySoft.Resources
Assembly: KGySoft.CoreLibraries (in KGySoft.CoreLibraries.dll) Version: 8.1.0
public class DynamicResourceManager : HybridResourceManager
Object    ResourceManager    HybridResourceManager    DynamicResourceManager


DynamicResourceManager class is derived from HybridResourceManager and adds the functionality of automatic appending the resources with the non-translated and/or unknown entries as well as auto-saving the changes. This makes possible to automatically create the .resx files if the language of the application is changed to a language, which has no translation yet. See also the static LanguageSettings class. The strategy of auto appending and saving can be chosen by the AutoAppend and AutoSave properties (see AutoAppendOptions and AutoSaveOptions enumerations).

DynamicResourceManager combines the functionality of ResourceManager, ResXResourceManager, HybridResourceManager and extends these with the feature of auto expansion. It can be an ideal choice to use it as a resource manager of an application or a class library because it gives you freedom (or to the consumer of your library) to choose the strategy. If AutoAppend and AutoSave functionalities are completely disabled, then it is equivalent to a HybridResourceManager, which can handle resources both from compiled and XML sources but you must explicitly add new content and save it (see the example of the HybridResourceManager base class). If you restrict even the source of the resources, then you can get the functionality of the ResXResourceManager class (Source is ResXOnly), or the ResourceManager class (Source is CompiledOnly).

Additional features compared to HybridResourceManager

Centralized vs. individual settings:
The behavior of DynamicResourceManager instances can be controlled in two ways, which can be configured by the UseLanguageSettings property.


  • Unlike the Source property, LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersSource property is CompiledOnly by default, ensuring that centralized DynamicResourceManager instances work the same way as regular ResourceManager classes by default, so the application can opt-in dynamic creation of .resx files, for example in its Main method.
  • Turning on the UseLanguageSettings property makes the DynamicResourceManager to subscribe multiple events. If such a DynamicResourceManager is used in a non-static or short-living context make sure to dispose it to prevent leaking resources.

Auto Appending:
The automatic expansion of the resources can be controlled by the AutoAppend property (or by LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersAutoAppend, property, if UseLanguageSettings is ), and it covers three different strategies, which can be combined:

  1. Unknown resources – If AddUnknownToInvariantCulture option is enabled and an unknown resource is requested, then the resource set of the invariant culture will be appended by the newly requested resource. It also means that MissingManifestResourceException will never be thrown, even if ThrowException property is . If the unknown resource is requested by GetString methods, then the value of the requested name will be the name itself prefixed by the LanguageSettings.UnknownResourcePrefix property. On the other hand, if the unknown resource is requested by the GetObject methods, then a value will be added.
    using System;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var manager = new DynamicResourceManager(typeof(Example));
            manager.AutoAppend = AutoAppendOptions.AddUnknownToInvariantCulture;
            // Without the option above the following line would throw a MissingManifestResourceException
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetString("UnknownString")); // prints [U]UnknownString
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetObject("UnknownObject")); // prints empty line
            manager.SaveAllResources(compatibleFormat: false);
    The example above creates a Resources\Example.resx file under the binary output folder of the console application with the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <data name="UnknownString">
      <assembly alias="KGySoft.CoreLibraries" name="KGySoft.CoreLibraries, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b45eba277439ddfe" />
      <data name="UnknownObject" type="KGySoft.Resources.ResXNullRef, KGySoft.Libraries">
        <value />
  2. Appending neutral and specific cultures – The previous section was about expanding the resource file of the invariant culture represented by the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property. Every other CultureInfo instance can be classified as either a neutral or specific culture. Neutral cultures are region independent (eg. en is the English culture in general), whereas specific cultures are related to a specific region (eg. en-US is the American English culture). The parent of a specific culture can be another specific or a neutral one, and the parent of a neutral culture can be another neutral or the invariant culture. In most cases there is one specific and one neutral culture in a full chain, for example:
    en-US (specific) -> en (neutral) -> Invariant
    But sometimes there can be more neutral cultures:
    ku-Arab-IR (specific) -> ku-Arab (neutral) -> ku (neutral) -> Invariant
    Or more specific cultures:
    ca-ES-valencia (specific) -> ca-es (specific) -> ca (neutral) -> Invariant
    There are two groups of options, which control where the untranslated resources should be merged from and to:
    1. AppendFirstNeutralCulture, AppendLastNeutralCulture and AppendNeutralCultures options will append the neutral cultures (eg. en) if a requested resource is found in the invariant culture.
    2. AppendFirstSpecificCulture and AppendSpecificCultures options will append the specific cultures (eg. en-US) if a requested resource is found in any parent culture. AppendLastSpecificCulture does the same, except that the found resource must be in the resource set of a non-specific culture..
    If the merged resource is a String, then the value of the existing resource will be prefixed by the LanguageSettings.UntranslatedResourcePrefix property, and this prefixed string will be saved in the target resource; otherwise, the original value will be duplicated in the target resource.


    "First" and "last" terms above refer the first and last neutral/specific cultures in the order from most specific to least specific one as in the examples above. See the descriptions of the referred AutoAppendOptions options for more details and for examples with a fully artificial culture hierarchy with multiple neutral and specific cultures.
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    using KGySoft;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    class Example
        private static CultureInfo enUS = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
        private static CultureInfo en = enUS.Parent;
        private static CultureInfo inv = en.Parent;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var manager = new DynamicResourceManager(typeof(Example));
            // this will cause to copy the non-existing entries from invariant to "en"
            manager.AutoAppend = AutoAppendOptions.AppendFirstNeutralCulture;
            // preparation
            manager.SetObject("TestString", "Test string in invariant culture", inv);
            manager.SetObject("TestString", "Test string in English culture", en);
            manager.SetObject("TestString2", "Another test string in invariant culture", inv);
            manager.SetObject("TestObject", 42, inv);
            manager.SetObject("DontCareObject", new byte[0], inv);
            // setting the UI culture so we do not need to specify the culture in GetString/Object
            LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage = enUS;
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetString("TestString")); // already exists in en
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetString("TestString2")); // copied to en with prefix
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetObject("TestObject")); // copied to en
            // Console.WriteLine(manager.GetObject("DontCareObject")); // not copied because not accessed
            // saving the changes
            manager.SaveAllResources(compatibleFormat: false);
    The example above creates the Example.resx and Example.en.resx files. No Example.en-US.resx is created because we chose appending the first neutral culture only. The content of Example.en.resx will be the following:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <data name="TestString">
        <value>Test string in English culture</value>
      <data name="TestString2">
        <value>[T]Another test string in invariant culture</value>
      <data name="TestObject" type="System.Int32">
    By looking for '[T]' occurrences we can easily find the merged strings to translate.
  3. Merging complete resource sets – The example above demonstrates how the untranslated entries will be applied to the target language files. However, in that example only the actually requested entries will be copied on demand. It is possible that we want to generate a full language file in order to be able to make complete translations. If that is what we need we can use the AppendOnLoad option. This option should be used together with at least one of the options from the previous point to have any effect.
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Resources;
    using KGySoft;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    // we can tell what the language of the invariant resource is
    [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var manager = new DynamicResourceManager(typeof(Example));
            // actually this is the default option:
            manager.AutoAppend = AutoAppendOptions.AppendFirstNeutralCulture | AutoAppendOptions.AppendOnLoad;
            // we prepare only the invariant resource
            manager.SetObject("TestString", "Test string", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            manager.SetObject("TestString2", "Another test string", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            manager.SetObject("TestObject", 42, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            manager.SetObject("AnotherObject", new byte[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            // Getting an English resource will not create the en.resx file because this is
            // the default language of our application thanks to the NeutralResourcesLanguage attribute
            LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetString("TestString")); // Displays "Test string", no resource is created
            LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR");
            Console.WriteLine(manager.GetString("TestString")); // Displays "[T]Test string", resource "fr" is created
            // saving the changes
            manager.SaveAllResources(compatibleFormat: false);
    The example above creates Example.resx and Example.fr.resx files. Please note that no Example.en.resx is created because the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute indicates that the language of the invariant resource is English. If we open the created Example.fr.resx file we can see that every resource was copied from the invariant resource even though we accessed a single item:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <data name="TestString">
        <value>[T]Test string</value>
      <data name="TestString2">
        <value>[T]Another test string</value>
      <data name="TestObject" type="System.Int32">
      <data name="AnotherObject" type="System.Byte[]">
        <value />


Please note that auto appending affects resources only. Metadata are never merged.

Auto Saving:
By setting the AutoSave property (or LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersAutoSave, if UseLanguageSettings is ), the DynamicResourceManager is able to save the dynamically created content automatically on specific events:

  • Changing the display language – If LanguageChange option is enabled the changes are saved whenever the current UI culture is set via the LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage property.


    Enabling this option makes the DynamicResourceManager to subscribe to the static LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguageChanged event. To prevent leaking resources make sure to dispose the DynamicResourceManager if it is used in a non-static or short-living context.
  • Application exit – If DomainUnload option is enabled the changes are saved when current AppDomain is being unloaded, including the case when the application exits.


    Enabling this option makes the DynamicResourceManager to subscribe to the AppDomain.ProcessExit or AppDomain.DomainUnload event. To prevent leaking resources make sure to dispose the DynamicResourceManager if it is used in a non-static or short-living context. However, to utilize saving changes on application exit or domain unload, DynamicResourceManager is best to be used in a static context.
  • Changing resource source – If Source property changes it may cause data loss in terms of unsaved changes. To prevent this SourceChange option can be enabled so the changes will be saved before actualizing the new value of the Source property.
  • Disposing – Enabling the Dispose option makes possible to save changes automatically when the DynamicResourceManager is being disposed.
    using System.Globalization;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    class Example
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // thanks to the AutoSave = Dispose the Example.resx will be created at the end of the using block
            using (var manager = new DynamicResourceManager(typeof(Example)) { AutoSave = AutoSaveOptions.Dispose })
                manager.SetObject("Test string", "Test value", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Considering SaveAllResources is indirectly called on auto save, you cannot set its parameters directly. However, by setting the CompatibleFormat property, you can tell whether the result .resx files should be able to be read by a System.Resources.ResXResourceReader instance and the Visual Studio Resource Editor. If it is the result .resx files are often shorter, and the values can be deserialized with better accuracy (see the remarks at ResXResourceWriter), but the result can be read only by the ResXResourceReader class.

Normally, if you save the changes by the SaveAllResources method, you can handle the possible exceptions locally. To handle errors occurred during auto save you can subscribe the AutoSaveError event.

Recommended usage for string resources in a class library 

A class library can be used by any consumers who want to use the features of that library. If it contains resources it can be useful if we allow the consumer of our class library to create translations for it in any language. In an application it can be the decision of the consumer whether generating new XML resource (.resx) files should be allowed or not. If so, we must be prepared for invalid files or malicious content (for example, the .resx file can contain serialized data of any type, whose constructor can run any code when deserialized). The following example takes all of these aspects into consideration.


In the following example there is a single compiled resource created in a class library, without any satellite assemblies. The additional language files can be generated at run-time if the consumer application allows it.
  1. Create a new project (Class Library)
    New class library
  2. Delete the automatically created Class1.cs
  3. Create a new class: Res. The class will be and internal, and it will contain the resource manager for this class library. The initial content of the file will be the following:
    using System;
    using KGySoft;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    namespace ClassLibrary1
        internal static class Res
            // internal resources for errors
            private const string unavailableResource = "Resource ID not found: {0}";
            private const string invalidResource = "Resource text is not valid for {0} arguments: {1}";
            private static readonly DynamicResourceManager resourceManager =
                // the name of the compiled resources must match (see also point 5)
                new DynamicResourceManager("ClassLibrary1.Messages", typeof(Res).Assembly)
                    SafeMode = true,
                    UseLanguageSettings = true,
                    ThrowException = false,
                    // CompatibleFormat = true // use this if you want to edit the result files with VS resource editor
            // Here will be the properties for the resources. This one is private because used from this class.
            private static string NullReference => Get(nameof(NullReference));
            // [...] Your resources can be added here (see point 8. and 9.)
            private static string Get(string id) =>
                resourceManager.GetString(id, LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage) ?? String.Format(unavailableResource, id);
            private static string Get(string id, params object[] args)
                string format = Get(id);
                return args == null || args.Length == 0 ? format : SafeFormat(format, args);
            private static string SafeFormat(string format, object[] args)
                    int i = Array.IndexOf(args, null);
                    if (i >= 0)
                        string nullRef = Get(NullReference);
                        for (; i < args.Length; i++)
                            if (args[i] == null)
                                args[i] = nullRef;
                    return String.Format(LanguageSettings.FormattingLanguage, format, args);
                catch (FormatException)
                    return String.Format(invalidResource, args.Length, format);
  4. In Solution Explorer right click on ClassLibrary1, then select Add, New Item, Resources File.
    New Resources file
  5. To make sure the compiled name of the resource is what you want (it must match the name in the DynamicResourceManager constructor) you can edit the .csproj file as follows:
    • In Solution Explorer right click on ClassLibrary1, Unload Project
    • In Solution Explorer right click on ClassLibrary1 (unavailable), Edit ClassLibrary1.csproj
    • Search for the EmbeddedResource element and edit it as follows (or in case of a .NET Core project add it if it does not exist):
      <!-- .NET Framework project: -->
      <EmbeddedResource Include="Resource1.resx" >
      <!-- .NET Core project (note "Update" in place of "Include"): -->
      <EmbeddedResource Update="Resource1.resx" >
    • In Solution Explorer right click on ClassLibrary1 (unavailable), Reload ClassLibrary1.csproj
  6. In Solution Explorer right click on the new resource file (Resource1.resx) and select Properties
  7. Clear the default Custom Tool value because the generated file uses a ResourceManager class internally, which cannot handle the dynamic expansions. It means also, that instead of the generated Resources class we will use our Res class. Leave the Build Action so its value is Embedded Resource, which means that the resource will be compiled into the assembly. The DynamicResourceManager will use these compiled resources as default values. If the consumer application of our class library sets the LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersSource property to CompiledAndResX, then for the different languages the .resx files will be automatically created containing the resource set of our class library, ready to translate.
    Resources1.resx properties
  8. In Solution Explorer double click on Resource1.resx and add any resource entries you want to use in your library. Add NullReference key as well as it is used by the default Res implementation.
    Example resources
  9. Define a property for all of your simple resources and a method for the format strings with placeholders in the Res class. For example:
    // simple resource: can be a property
    internal static string MyResourceExample => Get(nameof(MyResourceExample));
    // resource format string with placeholders: can be a method
    internal static string MyResourceFormatExample(int arg1, string arg2) => Get(nameof(MyResourceFormatExample), arg1, arg2);
  10. You can retrieve any resources in your library as it is shown in the example below:
    using System;
    namespace ClassLibrary1
        public class Example
            public void SomeMethod(int someParameter)
                if (someParameter == 42)
                    // simple resource
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.MyResourceExample);
                if (someParameter == -42)
                    // formatted resource - enough arguments must be specified for placeholders (though errors are handled in Res)
                    throw new Throw.ArgumentException(Res.MyResourceFormatExample(123, "x"), nameof(someParameter));
  11. To indicate the language of your default compiled resource open the AssemblyInfo.cs of your project and add the following line:
    // this informs the resource manager about the language of the default culture
  12. Now a consumer application can enable dynamic resource creation for new languages. Create a new console application, add reference to ClassLibrary1 project and edit the Program.cs file as follows:
    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    using ClassLibrary1;
    using KGySoft;
    using KGySoft.Resources;
    namespace ConsoleApp1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Enabling dynamic .resx creation for all DynamicResourceManager instances in this application,
                // which are configured to use centralized settings
                LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersSource = ResourceManagerSources.CompiledAndResX;
                // Setting the language of the application
                LanguageSettings.DisplayLanguage = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR");
            private static void LaunchMyApplication()
                // if we use anything that has a reference to the Res class in ClassLibrary1, then
                // a .resx file with the language of the application will be used or created if not exists yet.
                var example = new Example();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{e.GetType().Name}: {e.Message}");
    When the console application above exits, it creates a Resources\ClassLibrary1.Messages.fr.resx file with the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <data name="NullReference">
      <data name="MyResourceExample">
        <value>[T]This is a resource value will be used in my library</value>
      <data name="MyResourceFormatExample">
        <value>[T]This is a resource format string with two placeholders: {0}, {1}</value>
    By looking for the '[T]' prefixes you can easily find the untranslated elements.


  • You can use the EnsureResourcesGenerated method to create possible non-existing resources for a language.
  • You can use the EnsureInvariantResourcesMerged method to forcibly merge all resource entries in the invariant resource set for a language. This can be useful if new resources have been introduced since a previous version and the newly introduced entries also have to be added to the localized resource sets.
  • To see how to use dynamically created resources for any language in a live application with editing support see the KGySoft.Drawing.Tools GitHub repository.


DynamicResourceManager(Type, String) Creates a new instance of DynamicResourceManager class that looks up resources in compiled assemblies and resource XML files based on information from the specified Type object.
DynamicResourceManager(String, Assembly, String) Creates a new instance of DynamicResourceManager class that looks up resources in compiled assemblies and resource XML files based on information from the specified baseName and assembly.


AutoAppend When UseLanguageSettings is , gets or sets the resource auto append options. When UseLanguageSettings is , auto appending of resources is controlled by LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersAutoAppend property.
Default value: AppendFirstNeutralCulture, AppendOnLoad
AutoSave When UseLanguageSettings is , gets or sets the auto saving options. When UseLanguageSettings is , auto saving is controlled by LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersAutoSave property.
Default value: None
CloneValues Gets or sets whether GetObject and GetMetaObject methods return always a new copy of the stored values.
Default value: .
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
CompatibleFormat Gets or sets whether the .resx files should use a compatible format when the resources are automatically saved.
Default value:
IgnoreCase Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the resource manager allows case-insensitive resource lookups in the GetString/GetMetaString and GetObject/GetMetaObject methods.
Default value: .
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
IgnoreResXParseErrors Gets or sets whether .resx file errors should be ignored when attempting to load a resource set. If , then non-loadable resource sets are considered as missing ones; otherwise, an exception is thrown.
Default value: .
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
IsDisposed Gets whether this HybridResourceManager instance is disposed.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
IsModified Gets whether this HybridResourceManager instance has modified and unsaved data.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
NeutralResourcesCulture Gets the CultureInfo that is specified as neutral culture in the Assembly used to initialized this instance, or the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture if no such culture is defined.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
ResXResourcesDir Gets or sets the relative path to .resx resource files.
Default value: Resources
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
SafeMode Gets or sets whether the HybridResourceManager works in safe mode. In safe mode the retrieved objects returned from .resx sources are not deserialized automatically.
Default value: .
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
Source When UseLanguageSettings is , gets or sets the source, from which the resources should be taken. When UseLanguageSettings is , the source is controlled by LanguageSettings.DynamicResourceManagersSource property.
Default value: CompiledAndResX
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerSource)
ThrowException Gets or sets whether a MissingManifestResourceException should be thrown when a resource .resx file or compiled manifest is not found even for the neutral culture.
Default value: .
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
UseLanguageSettings Gets or sets whether values of AutoAppend, AutoSave and Source properties are taken centrally from the LanguageSettings class.
Default value: .


Dispose Disposes the resources of the current instance.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the resources used by this DynamicResourceManager instance.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerDispose(Boolean))
EnsureInvariantResourcesMerged Ensures that all invariant resource entries are merged for the specified culture.
EnsureResourcesGenerated Ensures that the resource sets are generated for the specified culture respecting the merging rules specified by the AutoAppend parameter.
GetExpandoResourceSet Retrieves the resource set for a particular culture, which can be dynamically modified.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetExpandoResourceSet(CultureInfo, ResourceSetRetrieval, Boolean))
GetMetaObject Returns the value of the specified non-string metadata for the specified culture.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
GetMetaStream Returns a MemoryStream instance from the metadata of the specified name and culture.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
GetMetaString Returns the value of the string metadata for the specified culture.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
GetObject(String) Returns the value of the specified resource.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetObject(String))
GetObject(String, CultureInfo) Gets the value of the specified resource localized for the specified culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetObject(String, CultureInfo))
GetResourceSet Retrieves the resource set for a particular culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetResourceSet(CultureInfo, Boolean, Boolean))
GetStream(String) Returns a MemoryStream instance from the resource of the specified name.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetStream(String))
GetStream(String, CultureInfo) Returns a MemoryStream instance from the resource of the specified name and culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetStream(String, CultureInfo))
GetString(String) Returns the value of the specified string resource.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetString(String))
GetString(String, CultureInfo) Returns the value of the string resource localized for the specified culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerGetString(String, CultureInfo))
InternalGetResourceSet Provides the implementation for finding a resource set.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerInternalGetResourceSet(CultureInfo, Boolean, Boolean))
ReleaseAllResources Tells the resource manager to call the ResourceSet.Close method on all ResourceSet objects and release all resources. All unsaved resources will be lost.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerReleaseAllResources)
RemoveMetaObject Removes a metadata object from the current HybridResourceManager with the specified name for the specified culture.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
RemoveObject Removes a resource object from the current DynamicResourceManager with the specified name for the specified culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerRemoveObject(String, CultureInfo))
SaveAllResources Saves all already loaded resources.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
SaveResourceSet Saves the resource set of a particular culture if it has been already loaded.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
SetMetaObject Adds or replaces a metadata object in the current HybridResourceManager with the specified name for the specified culture.
(Inherited from HybridResourceManager)
SetObject Adds or replaces a resource object in the current DynamicResourceManager with the specified name for the specified culture.
(Overrides HybridResourceManagerSetObject(String, Object, CultureInfo))


AutoSaveError Occurs when an exception is thrown on auto saving. If this event is not subscribed, the following exception types are automatically suppressed, as they can occur on save: IOException, SecurityException, UnauthorizedAccessException. If such an exception is suppressed some resources might remain unsaved. Though the event is a static one, the sender of the handler is the corresponding DynamicResourceManager instance. Thus the save failures of the non public DynamicResourceManager instances (eg. resource managers of an assembly) can be tracked, too.

Extension Methods

Convert Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the generic ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
ConvertTTarget Converts an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
In Gets whether item is among the elements of set.
See the Examples section of the generic InT(T, T) overload for an example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvert Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired targetType.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)
TryConvertTTarget Tries to convert an Object specified in the obj parameter to the desired TTarget.
See the Examples section of the ConvertTTarget(Object, CultureInfo) method for a related example.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions)

See Also