AnimatedGifConfiguration | Represents the configuration for encoding a GIF animation by the GifEncoder.EncodeAnimation method. |
BitmapDataExtensions | Provides extension methods for the IReadableBitmapData, IWritableBitmapData and IReadWriteBitmapData types. |
BitmapDataFactory | Provides factory methods to create IReadWriteBitmapData instances. |
ColorExtensions | Contains extension methods for various color types representing colors. |
ColorSpaceHelper | A helper class containing low-level conversion methods for byte, ushort and float types to convert color components using the sRGB and linear color spaces. |
CustomBitmapDataConfig | Represents the configuration of a non-indexed custom bitmap data that can be created by the CreateBitmapData methods that have a CustomBitmapDataConfig parameter. |
CustomBitmapDataConfigBase | Represents the base class of a bitmap data configuration for custom pixel formats. |
CustomIndexedBitmapDataConfig | Represents the configuration of an indexed custom bitmap data that can be created by the CreateBitmapData methods that have a CustomIndexedBitmapDataConfig parameter. |
DithererExtensions | Contains extension methods for the IDitherer type. |
ErrorDiffusionDitherer | Provides an IDitherer implementation for error diffusion dithering. Use the static properties of this class to use predefined error diffusion filters or the constructor to create a custom one. |
GifEncoder | Provides an encoder for GIF image format that supports animation. Use the static members for high-level access or create an instance to control everything manually. |
InterleavedGradientNoiseDitherer | Provides an IDitherer implementation for applying an interleaved gradient noise pattern to the dithered result. For other noise-like ditherers see the OrderedDitherer.BlueNoise property and the RandomNoiseDitherer class. |
KnownPixelFormatExtensions | Contains extension methods for the KnownPixelFormat type. |
OptimizedPaletteQuantizer | Represents a quantizer that can generate an optimized set of colors best matching to the original image. Use the static methods to retrieve an instance. For using predefined colors see the PredefinedColorsQuantizer class. |
OrderedDitherer | Provides an IDitherer implementation for dithering patterns that are based on an ordered matrix. Use the static properties of this class to use predefined patterns or the constructor to create a custom ordered ditherer. |
Palette | Represents an indexed set of colors and provides efficient color lookup with caching. To create an instance use the static methods or the constructors. |
PredefinedColorsQuantizer |
Represents a quantizer with predefined set of colors. Use the static members to retrieve an instance.
For using optimized colors for a specific source image see the OptimizedPaletteQuantizer class.
See the Remarks section of the static methods of this class for details and image examples. |
QuantizerExtensions | Contains extension methods for the IQuantizer type. |
RandomNoiseDitherer | Provides an IDitherer implementation for random noise dithering. This class applies a random white noise to the result. For other noise-like ditherers see the OrderedDitherer.BlueNoise property and the InterleavedGradientNoiseDitherer class. |
ReadableBitmapDataExtensions | Provides extension methods for the IReadableBitmapData type. |
Color32 | Represents a 32-bit sRGB color where every color channel is represented by a 8-bit integer. It represents the same color space as the Color structure does but in a more optimized way for better performance and smaller memory consumption. |
Color64 | Represents a 64-bit sRGB color where every color channel is represented by a 16-bit integer. |
ColorF | Represents a 128-bit linear (not gamma-corrected) color where every color channel is represented by a 32-bit floating point value. |
PColor32 | Represents a 32-bit premultiplied sRGB color where every color channel is represented by a 8-bit integer. |
PColor64 | Represents a 64-bit premultiplied sRGB color where every color channel is represented by a 16-bit integer. |
PColorF | Represents a 128-bit premultiplied linear (not gamma-corrected) color where every color channel is represented by a 32-bit floating point value. |
PixelFormatInfo | Represents a pixel format in a technology-agnostic way. Can be used to specify custom pixel formats for the CreateBitmapData method overloads with a PixelFormatInfo, CustomBitmapDataConfig or CustomIndexedBitmapDataConfig parameter. |
IBitmapData |
Represents the raw data of a bitmap. To create a managed instance use the BitmapDataFactory class.
To obtain a readable or writable instance for platform specific bitmaps you can either use the specific GetReadableBitmapData, GetWritableBitmapData
or GetReadWriteBitmapData extension methods when applicable (see the Remarks section of the KGySoft.Drawing namespace for a list
about the supported platforms). Otherwise, you can use the members of the BitmapDataFactory class to create a bitmap data for
any managed or unmanaged preallocated buffer of any bitmap implementation.
See the Remarks section of the BitmapExtensions.GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and code samples. That method is for the GDI+ Bitmap type but the main principles apply for all sources. |
IBitmapDataRow |
Represents a single row of an IBitmapData instance. Reading or writing actual pixels is available via the derived interfaces of this type.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
IBitmapDataRowMovable |
Represents a single row of an IBitmapData instance that allows setting its position to any row. Reading or writing actual pixels is available via the derived interfaces of this type.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
ICustomBitmapDataRow | Represents a low-level custom accessor to a bitmap data row. |
ICustomBitmapDataRowT | Represents a low-level custom accessor to a bitmap data row of specific element type. |
IDitherer |
Represents a ditherer that can be used to dither the result of a quantizing session.
For built-in implementations see the OrderedDitherer, ErrorDiffusionDitherer, RandomNoiseDitherer and InterleavedGradientNoiseDitherer classes. |
IDitheringSession | Represents a disposable dithering session returned by the IDitherer.Initialize method that is used to dither the result of a quantizing session for a specific IReadableBitmapData source. |
IPalette | Represents the properties of a Palette instance that can be accessed from custom color lookup functions. |
IQuantizer |
Represents a quantizer that can be used to reduce the number of colors of an image.
For built-in implementations see the PredefinedColorsQuantizer and OptimizedPaletteQuantizer classes. |
IQuantizingSession | Represents a disposable quantizing session returned by the IQuantizer.Initialize method that is used to quantize (reduce the colors) of a specific IReadableBitmapData source. |
IReadableBitmapData |
Represents a readable IBitmapData instance.
To create an instance use the BitmapDataFactory class or the GetReadableBitmapData extension methods for various platform dependent bitmap implementations.
See the Remarks section of the KGySoft.Drawing namespace for a list about the technologies with dedicated support. See the Remarks section of the BitmapExtensions.GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and code samples. That method is for the GDI+ Bitmap type but the main principles apply for all sources. |
IReadableBitmapDataRow |
Provides a fast read-only access to a single row of an IReadableBitmapData.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
IReadableBitmapDataRowMovable |
Represents a single row of an IReadableBitmapData instance that allows setting its position to any row.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
IReadWriteBitmapData |
Represents an IBitmapData instance with read/write access.
To create an instance use the BitmapDataFactory class or the GetReadWriteBitmapData extension methods for various platform dependent bitmap implementations.
See the Remarks section of the KGySoft.Drawing namespace for a list about the technologies with dedicated support. See the Remarks section of the BitmapExtensions.GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and code samples. That method is for the GDI+ Bitmap type but the main principles apply for all sources. |
IReadWriteBitmapDataRow |
Provides a fast read-write access to a single row of an IReadWriteBitmapData.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
IReadWriteBitmapDataRowMovable |
Represents a single row of an IReadWriteBitmapData instance that allows setting its position to any row.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
IWritableBitmapData |
Represents a writable IBitmapData instance.
To create an instance use the BitmapDataFactory class or the GetWritableBitmapData extension methods for various platform dependent bitmap implementations.
See the Remarks section of the KGySoft.Drawing namespace for a list about the technologies with dedicated support. See the Remarks section of the BitmapExtensions.GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and code samples. That method is for the GDI+ Bitmap type but the main principles apply for all sources. |
IWritableBitmapDataRow |
Provides a fast write-only access to a single row of an IWritableBitmapData.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapDatamethod for details and examples. |
IWritableBitmapDataRowMovable |
Represents a single row of an IWritableBitmapData instance that allows setting its position to any row.
See the Remarks section of the GetReadWriteBitmapData method for details and examples. |
AnimationFramesSizeHandling | Represents the strategy to be used with frames of different sizes. |
AnimationMode | Represents the looping mode of an animation. |
AutoStrengthMode |
Represents the behavior of ditherers with configurable strength when auto strength is used.
See the Remarks section of the OrderedDitherer.ConfigureStrength method for more details and some examples regarding dithering strength. |
GifCompressionMode | Represents the compression behavior of the GifEncoder class. |
GifGraphicDisposalMethod | Indicates the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed. |
KnownPixelFormat | Represents pixel formats with built-in support. For custom formats you can use the PixelFormatInfo type when applicable. |
WorkingColorSpace | Represents the preferred working color space for various operations such as alpha blending, measuring distance of colors, interpolation, quantizing, dithering and some other operations. The working color space can be specified independently from the color space of the actual pixel format of an IBitmapData instance. |