public readonly struct ColorF : IEquatable<ColorF>
Public Structure ColorF
Implements IEquatable(Of ColorF)
public value class ColorF : IEquatable<ColorF>
type ColorF =
inherit ValueType
interface IEquatable<ColorF>
ColorF(Color32) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from a Color32 instance. |
ColorF(Color64) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from a Color64 instance. |
ColorF(Single, Single, Single) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from RGB (red, green, and blue) values. For performance reasons this overload does not validate if the color components are between 0 and 1 but you can use the ColorF(Single, Single, Single, Boolean) constructor or the IsValid property for validation, or the Clip method to return a valid instance. |
ColorF(Single, Single, Single, Boolean) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from RGB (red, green, and blue) values. |
ColorF(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from ARGB (alpha, red, green, and blue) values. For performance reasons this overload does not validate if the color components are between 0 and 1 but you can use the ColorF(Single, Single, Single, Single, Boolean) constructor or the IsValid property for validation, or the Clip method to return a valid instance. |
ColorF(Single, Single, Single, Single, Boolean) | Initializes a new instance of the ColorF struct from ARGB (alpha, red, green, and blue) values. |
IsValid | Gets whether this ColorF instance represents a valid color. That is, when A, R, G and B fields are all between 0 and 1. |
Clip | Returns a valid ColorF instance by clipping the possibly exceeding ARGB values. If IsValid returns , then the result is the same as the original instance. |
Equals(ColorF) | Determines whether the current ColorF instance is equal to another one. |
Equals(Object) |
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this ColorF instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object)) |
FromArgb | Creates a ColorF instance from the specified ColorF structure, but with the new specified alpha value. This method does not validate if the color components are between 0 and 1 but you can use the the IsValid property or the Clip method on the result. |
FromGray | Creates a ColorF structure representing a grayscale color of the specified brightness. |
FromRgb | Creates a ColorF structure from a Vector3 instance mapping X to R, Y to G and Z to B. The A component of the result will be 1. |
FromRgba | Creates a ColorF structure from a Vector4 instance mapping X to R, Y to G, Z to B and W to A. |
GetHashCode |
Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode) |
ToColor32 | Converts this ColorF instance to a Color32 structure. |
ToColor64 | Converts this ColorF instance to a Color64 structure. |
ToGray | Gets a ColorF instance that represents the matching gray shade of this ColorF instance based on human perception. |
ToOpaque | Gets a ColorF instance that represents this ColorF without alpha (transparency). |
ToRgb | Converts this ColorF instance to a Vector3 structure mapping R to X, G to Y and B to Z. |
ToRgba | Converts this ColorF instance to a Vector4 structure mapping R to X, G to Y, B to Z and A to W. |
ToString |
Gets the string representation of this ColorF instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString) |
Addition(ColorF, ColorF) | Adds two colors together. |
Addition(ColorF, Single) | Adds a given scalar to a ColorF. |
Division(ColorF, Single) | Divides a ColorF by the given scalar. |
Equality(ColorF, ColorF) | Gets whether two ColorF structures are equal. |
Inequality(ColorF, ColorF) | Gets whether two ColorF structures are different. |
Multiply(ColorF, Single) | Multiplies a ColorF by the given scalar. |
Subtraction(ColorF, ColorF) | Subtracts the second color from the first one. |
Subtraction(ColorF, Single) | Subtracts a given scalar from the first color. |
A | Gets the alpha component value of this ColorF structure. This field is read-only. |
B | Gets the blue component value of this ColorF structure. This field is read-only. |
G | Gets the green component value of this ColorF structure. This field is read-only. |
R | Gets the red component value of this ColorF structure. This field is read-only. |
Blend |
Blends the specified foreColor and backColor in the linear color space.
It returns foreColor if it has no transparency (that is, when A is greater than or equal to 1); otherwise, the result of the blending.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
Blend |
Blends the specified foreColor and backColor in the specified colorSpace.
It returns foreColor if it has no transparency (that is, when A is greater than or equal to 1); otherwise, the result of the blending.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
GetBrightness |
Gets the brightness of a ColorF instance as a float value in the linear color space.
The A component of the specified value is ignored.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
GetBrightness |
Gets the brightness of a ColorF instance as a float value in the linear color space.
The A component of the specified value is ignored.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToColor |
Converts this ColorF to a Color instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToColor |
Converts this ColorF to a Color instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToColor32 |
Converts this ColorF to a Color32 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToColor64 |
Converts this ColorF to a Color64 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
TolerantEquals |
Gets whether two ColorF instances are equal using a specified tolerance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToMediaColor |
Converts a ColorF struct to System.Windows.Media.Color.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPColor32 |
Converts this ColorF to a PColor32 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPColor32 |
Converts this ColorF to a PColor32 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPColor64 |
Converts this ColorF to a PColor64 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPColor64 |
Converts this ColorF to a PColor64 instance.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPColorF |
Converts this ColorF to a PColorF instance.
It's practically the same as calling the ToPremultiplied(ColorF) method.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToPremultiplied |
Converts this straight ColorF value to a premultiplied PColorF value.
It's practically the same as calling the ToPColorF(ColorF) method.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToSKColor |
Converts a ColorF struct to SKColor.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToSKColorF |
Converts a ColorF struct to SKColorF.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToSKPMColor |
Converts a ColorF struct to SKPMColor.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |
ToWindowsColor |
Converts a ColorF struct to Windows.UI.Color.
(Defined by ColorExtensions) |