GifEncoderAddImage Method

Writes an image to the output stream.
See the Remarks section of the GifEncoder class for details and examples.


Namespace: KGySoft.Drawing.Imaging
Assembly: KGySoft.Drawing.Core (in KGySoft.Drawing.Core.dll) Version: 8.2.0
public GifEncoder AddImage(
	IReadableBitmapData imageData,
	Point location = default,
	int delay = 0,
	GifGraphicDisposalMethod disposalMethod = GifGraphicDisposalMethod.NotSpecified


imageData  IReadableBitmapData
The image data to write. Non-indexed images will be quantized by using the GlobalPalette, or, if that is not set, by the system default 8-bpp "web-safe" palette (see also PredefinedColorsQuantizer.SystemDefault8BppPalette) using no dithering.
location  Point  (Optional)
Specifies the location of the current image within the logical screen.
delay  Int32  (Optional)
Specifies the delay before rendering the next image in hundredths of a second. 0 is usually interpreted as 100ms by browsers (as if 10 was specified), while GDI+ treats it zero delay only if RepeatCount is .
disposalMethod  GifGraphicDisposalMethod  (Optional)
Specifies how the decoder should treat the image after being displayed. This parameter is optional.
Default value: NotSpecified.

Return Value

The self GifEncoder instance allowing adding multiple images by fluent syntax.


See Also