AutoStrengthMode Enumeration

Represents the behavior of ditherers with configurable strength when auto strength is used.
See the Remarks section of the OrderedDitherer.ConfigureStrength method for more details and some examples regarding dithering strength.


Namespace: KGySoft.Drawing.Imaging
Assembly: KGySoft.Drawing.Core (in KGySoft.Drawing.Core.dll) Version: 8.2.0
public enum AutoStrengthMode


Default0 The auto strength mode is determined by the WorkingColorSpace property of the corresponding quantizing session. If it returns Linear, then the default strategy is Interpolated; otherwise, it is Constant.
Constant1 Represents an auto strength strategy where strength is calibrated to a fix value that assures that neither the black nor the white colors will suffer from overdithering. This is the default auto strength strategy when quantizing in the sRGB color space and it usually works fine if palette entries are evenly distributed in the sRGB color space.
Interpolated2 Represents an auto strength strategy where strength is calibrated both for white and black colors individually so none of them suffer from overdithering. During dithering the actual applied strength will be a dynamic value for each pixels using interpolation between the white and black strengths based on the pixel brightness. This is the default auto strength strategy when quantizing in the linear color space.

See Also