AnimatedGifConfiguration Class

Represents the configuration for encoding a GIF animation by the GifEncoder.EncodeAnimation method.


Namespace: KGySoft.Drawing.Imaging
Assembly: KGySoft.Drawing.Core (in KGySoft.Drawing.Core.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public sealed class AnimatedGifConfiguration
Object    AnimatedGifConfiguration


AnimatedGifConfiguration(FuncIReadableBitmapData, FuncNullableTimeSpan) Initializes a new instance of the AnimatedGifConfiguration class.
AnimatedGifConfiguration(IEnumerableIReadableBitmapData, IEnumerableTimeSpan) Initializes a new instance of the AnimatedGifConfiguration class.
AnimatedGifConfiguration(IEnumerableIReadableBitmapData, NullableTimeSpan) Initializes a new instance of the AnimatedGifConfiguration class.


AllowClippedFrames Gets or sets whether the encoder is allowed to add smaller actual frames than the Size of the animation.
Default value: .
See also the Remarks section of the AllowDeltaFrames property for more details.
AllowDeltaFrames Gets or sets whether it is allowed to encode only the changed region of a frame. In some circumstances the value of this property might be ignored.
Default value: .
AnimationMode Gets or sets the looping mode of the animation.
Default value: Repeat.
DeltaTolerance Gets or sets the allowed maximum tolerance for detecting changes of consecutive frames when AllowDeltaFrames is .
Default value: 0.
Ditherer Gets or sets an optional ditherer to be used when quantizing the frames.
Default value: .
EncodeTransparentBorders Gets or sets whether the transparent borders of the frames should be encoded as part of the frame.
Default value: .
Quantizer Gets or sets an optional quantizer to be used for the frames. Using a non- value forces quantizing also the already indexed images. Should use up to 256 colors; otherwise, the result might be quantized further with using the default system 8-bit palette.
Default value: .
ReplaceZeroDelays Gets or sets whether zero delay values are allowed in the result stream, which is usually interpreted as 100 ms by most GIF decoders.
Default value: .
ReportOverallProgress Gets or sets whether to report overall and/or sub-task progress when encoding by GifEncoder.BeginEncodeAnimation and GifEncoder.EncodeAnimationAsync methods and the AsyncConfigBase.Progress property is set. When , then both are reported.
Default value: .
Size Gets or sets the desired size of the result animation. If , then size is determined by the first frame. If set explicitly or the input frames can have different sizes, then SizeHandling should also be set accordingly.
Default value: .
SizeHandling Gets or sets how possibly different input frame sizes are handled.
Default value: ErrorIfDiffers.

See Also